Flick Office

Lead and
Client Management

Flick Office's Lead and Client Management system helps you maintain detailed records of potential and existing clients organise them into specific categories for better management and quickly find leads and clients with advanced sorting and searching capabilities. You can export or import lead and client information in bulk within the CRM and reach out to multiple leads or clients simultaneously with a single email. Additionally, you can add specific leads or clients to your staff for focused follow-up, convert leads to clients to ease up your sales process and attach notes to client profiles to enhance communication and provide better context for client interactions, ensuring a personal approach to client management.

  •   Maintain detailed records of potential and existing clients.
  •   Organise leads and clients into specific categories for better management.
  •   Quickly find leads and clients with advanced sorting and searching capabilities.
  •   Export or import lead and client information in bulk within CRM.
  •   Reach out to multiple leads or clients simultaneously with a single email.
Flick Office

Client Access

Clients using Flick Office can view and download files assigned to them, access and review their invoices and quotations and manage their accounts by registering and logging into their portal. They can also submit and track support tickets and access any letters issued to them. Additionally, clients can update their profile details within the portal. This comprehensive access ensures clients can efficiently manage their interactions and communications with your business, encouraging transparency and convenience.

  •   View and download files assigned to them.
  •   Access and review their invoices and quotations.
  •   Register and log in to their portal to manage their account.
  •   Submit and track support tickets.
  •   Access letters are issued to them.
Flick Office

Looking Invoices

Invoicing in Flick Office is designed to streamline your billing process. You can create invoices quickly and easily, send them to clients via email with a single click and set up recurring invoices for ongoing services. Automatic payment reminders ensure timely payments and online payment options provide convenience for clients. Additionally, Flick Office allows clients to make partial payments, download invoices as PDF files and export invoice data to Excel files for easy management by your accountant. The Credit Notes feature simplifies refunds and you can generate Invoice Reports to review annual account statements, ensuring comprehensive financial oversight and reporting capabilities within your CRM system.

  •   Create invoices quickly and easily.
  •   Send invoices to your clients via email with a single click.
  •   Send recurring invoices for ongoing services.
  •   Set up automatic payment reminders for clients.
  •   Include options for online payments.
Flick Office

Quotation System

Within Flick CRM, you can easily generate professional quotations and send them directly to clients via email in PDF format. You can customise quotations with your company branding or letterhead and enable or disable the email signature option. Quotation templates and the ability to duplicate existing quotes make sending so much easier. Additionally, you can convert quotations to invoices with just one click, streamlining the process, saving time and reducing administrative tasks. Customising invoices with product details, VAT information and specific terms ensures clear communication with clients, helping businesses maintain professionalism and provide excellent customer service.

  •   Easily generate professional quotations within Flick CRM.
  •   Send quotations directly to clients via email in PDF format.
  •   Customise quotations with your company branding or letterhead.
  •   Enable or disable the email signature option.
  •   Utilise quotation templates and duplicate existing quotes for quick sending.
Flick Office


From our Flick Office, you can easily create calls, meetings or tasks from one place. You can add tasks to your dashboard calendar for tracking, upload documents relevant to each task and assign tasks to single or multiple users. Additionally, tasks can be directly assigned to specific leads or clients to manage client-specific activities. You can set reminders to ensure tasks are completed on time, mark important tasks and save closed tasks in an archive. These features help your team stay on track, prioritise tasks effectively and ensure nothing falls through the cracks, thereby improving overall workflow efficiency.

  •   Easily create calls, meetings or tasks from one place.
  •   Add tasks to your dashboard calendar for tracking.
  •   Upload documents relevant to each task.
  •   Assign tasks to single or multiple users.
  •   Directly assign tasks to specific leads or clients to manage client-specific activities.
Flick Office

HRM Features

Flick Office's HRM features make it easy to register and manage your staff, perfect for handling multiple branches and team leaders. You can easily track staff attendance and leave applications, manage holidays and working days and set reminders for important staff files, training sessions and more. The system allows seamless performance appraisals and reviews, gives staff easy access to their accounts and enables administrators to issue letters for any staff and keep a record. In addition to these core features, Flick Office's HRM system includes capabilities to manage working eligibility requirements and ensure compliance, oversee Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, securely store files and efficiently handle staff leave applications and yearly holidays. These features collectively enhance HR operations, improve compliance and promote a productive and engaged workforce.

  •   Perfect for multiple branches and team leaders
  •   Easily track staff attendance and leave applications
  •   Manage holidays and keep track of working days
  •   Set reminders for important staff files, training sessions and more
  •   Conduct performance appraisals and reviews seamlessly
Flick Office

Web Enquiry

Collect web enquiries directly from your website into the CRM and from multiple websites within a single CRM account. Convert important enquiries into leads or clients and manage them efficiently. Additionally, you can create a custom web enquiry form and add it to your website easily. This form allows visitors to submit enquiries directly through your site. Once submitted, these enquiries are automatically collected into your CRM system. Flick Office allows you to efficiently manage these leads and clients for customer relationship management processes through web enquiries.

  •   Collect web enquiries directly from your website to CRM.
  •   Collect enquiries from multiple websites within a single CRM account.
  •   Convert important enquiries into leads or clients and manage them efficiently.
  •   Create a custom web enquiry form and add it to your website easily.
  •   Automatically collect and manage enquiries in your CRM system.
Flick Office

Newsletter Management

Flick Office's Newsletter Management tools make it easy to plan and execute campaigns. You can set up new campaigns with intuitive tools, manage subscriber lists and create and customise email templates for consistent branding and messaging. The system also allows you to monitor campaign performance with detailed analytics and reports. Additionally, you can import and export subscriber lists and campaign data and track and review the log of sent newsletters to ensure transparency and effectiveness in your email marketing efforts. These features are designed to help you with newsletter creation, increase subscriber engagement and improve campaign performance.

  •   Plan and execute newsletter campaigns.
  •   Set up new campaigns easily with intuitive tools.
  •   Manage subscriber lists.
  •   Create and customise email templates for consistent branding and messaging.
  •   Monitor campaign performance with detailed analytics and reports.
Flick Office

File Management
and Reminders

In Flick CRM, you can upload various file formats, including documents, audio and video, into the file section. You can create categories to keep your files organised and archive old files for future use, making managing and accessing important files easy and efficient. Additionally, the system allows you to set reminders for important tasks or documents, ensuring timely notifications and task completion.

  •   Upload important files directly to the CRM system.
  •   Assign uploaded files to specific leads, clients or users.
  •   Create lists of reminders and set expiry dates for important tasks or documents.
  •   Receive reminders via email to stay updated on upcoming tasks or document expirations.
  •   Manage reminders, ensuring timely notifications and task completion.
Flick Office

Team Management

Flick Office offers an advanced Team Management System designed to help you manage your team efficiently. You can create tasks, sub-tasks, and checklists to break down complex projects into manageable steps and assign them to team members. The system allows you to assign the same task to multiple team members or multiple tasks to the same member. Additionally, you can set reminders and due dates for tasks, which will automatically synchronise with Google Calendar, ensuring everyone stays on track.

  •   Divide tasks and assign them.
  •   Create tasks, sub-tasks, and checklists for better organisation.
  •   Assign the same task to multiple team members or multiple tasks to the same member.
  •   Set reminders and due dates for tasks.
  •   Synchronise tasks and deadlines with Google Calendar.
Flick Office

Smart Lettering

Flick Office offers smart lettering features that allow you to create and send official letters directly through the platform. You can keep a list of all your sent letters, organise them, and view them anytime. Additionally, you can duplicate an existing letter to create a new one or for a new client easily. The system also includes a PDF conversion feature, enabling you to either download the PDF or send it via email as an attachment.

  •   Create and send official letters directly through Flick Office.
  •   Keep a list of all sent letters, organise, and view them anytime.
  •   Duplicate existing letters to create new ones or for new clients.
  •   Convert letters to PDF format.
  •   Download PDFs or send them via email as attachments.
Flick Office

Income Statement

Flick Office’s Smart Income Statement system will allow you to keep records of all your incomes and expenses and calculate them easily when needed. Managing all your companies and their transactions can be troublesome, and mistakes in calculations can negatively impact your business. With Flick Office, you can create a list of all your companies' transactions, manage categories, add and track transactions, and get automatic final calculations. You can import bank statements directly under the names of your respective companies, filter transactions by category or company, and download the statement for safekeeping. It’s smart, easy, and very efficient.

  •   Create and manage a list of all your companies' transactions.
  •   Add and track transactions with automatic final calculations.
  •   Import bank statements directly under the names of your companies.
  •   Filter transactions by specific categories or companies.
  •   Download income statements for safekeeping.
Flick Office

Billable Items

Keeping track of your company’s billable items or services and your clients’ due dates can be challenging and prone to mismanagement. Flick Office offers a smart and easy system to manage all your billable items and due dates efficiently. You can create categories for your billable items, add the list of your provided services, and receive alerts before any due date. This feature is ideal for managing monthly or yearly services, such as Gas Certificate Renewal, Electric Safety Certificate Renewal, Cleaning services, and Storage services. Additionally, you can create invoices directly for the billable items for the respective clients. It’s smart and efficient.

  •   Create categories for billable items and add a list of provided services.
  •   Receive alerts before any due dates.
  •   Manage monthly or yearly services like Gas Certificate Renewal and Cleaning services.
  •   Create invoices directly for billable items.
  •   Efficiently track and manage all billable items and due dates.
Flick Office

Role Manager

With the Role Manager, you can easily manage the roles and actions of the admin, manager, and staff within your company. There are numerous modules such as Dashboard, Lead, Clients, Task, Email, Invoice, Newsletter, Quotation, Template, User, and Setup. You can control the access power of your employees, allowing you to specify who can view, add, edit, and delete operations in each module. This system ensures that each user has appropriate access based on their role, enhancing security and efficiency within your organisation.

  •   Manage roles and actions for admin, manager, and staff.
  •   Control access to various modules like Dashboard, Lead, Clients, and more.
  •   Specify permissions for view, add, edit, and delete operations.
  •   Tailor access power according to user roles.
  •   Enhance security and efficiency by regulating module access.
Flick Office

To-Do List

Flick Office offers an advanced To-Do listing function that ensures you never miss a task. You can create To-Do lists and assign tasks to your team members. Each task has a verification function: when a team member marks a task as completed, the assigner is notified and can verify its completion. If the task is not done satisfactorily, it can be re-issued. The To-Do list also includes reminder and due-date functions, which are synchronised with Google Calendar for seamless management.

  •   Create To-Do lists and assign tasks to team members.
  •   Verification function to ensure task completion.
  •   Re-issue tasks if not completed satisfactorily.
  •   Reminder and due-date functions.
  •   Synchronisation with Google Calendar.
Flick Office


Flick Office's Deals feature allows you to create and manage contracts and deals with different clients efficiently. You can create multiple deals for the same client, saving details such as deal amount, description, progress, and estimated due dates. Notes can be added to each deal for better tracking. The advanced filtering system lets you sort and search for deals easily. This feature simplifies the management and organisation of your business dealings.

  •   Create and preserve different contracts and deals.
  •   Save deal amount, description, progress, and estimated due dates.
  •   Add notes for better tracking.
  •   Sort and search deals with an advanced filtering system.
  •   Manage multiple deals for the same client.

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